perjantai 6. marraskuuta 2015

Assignment 11

An argumentative essay

Respecting everyone is important

Okay so I have this one thing that’s been in my head for a while so I decided to write this text about it, hoping it would make someone to change their opinion. Why is there still homophobia and transphobia in the world? Why would anyone be affected by what’s on their neighbor’s pants or who is they living with? It’s 2015, why is equality so hard to reach?

I’m so tired of these bible-arguments people are throwing at homosexuals, like “you can’t get married because bible says it is wrong!” first of all, bible does only say that “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination”, which can be found in old testament. Let me tell you, there is so many more things that are “abomination” according to Old Testament and does anyone give a crap about those? Nope. If you are divorced single-mother who has three children with three different fathers, you have done so much sin you probably shouldn’t make a number about someone being gay.

Other very funny thing that occurs is “if a gay couple has children, they will be bullied!” How about teaching your own kids that being different isn’t a bad thing? Kids don’t born as hateful. They are taught to be that. My favorite argument is “a child needs mom and dad!” so basically you want all the single mothers and fathers to give up their children, very polite.

Speaking of children, why is that when a couple is expecting they say “we don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, all we care is that it’s healthy”, but later their Mary realizes she’s been born in a wrong body, she should’ve been born as a boy and the parents throws her out saying “I gave birth to a baby girl not a boy.” It’s just disgusting. I have many transgender friends and when they told me they are trans and asked me to use different name and pronouns, of course I did it.
“I’ve used to call you Lily and not James”, is not an excuse.
“But you’ve always been a girl to me”, is not an excuse. Trans people do not change their gender because they want to, actually they don’t change it at all, they just correct it the way it should always have been.

If everyone could respect each other and not being assholes, that would be super great. If you are a parent who has LBGTQ-child, don’t throw them out when they tell you. Support them. That way we could prevent so many suicides and depressed kids. It’s a fact that most of teenage suicides are committed by Trans kids who weren’t accepted the way they are. 

3 kommenttia:

  1. Amen! This is what world needs to hear.

    Btw I love the way you're passionate about this thing :)

  2. I chose this because I think this is one of my best essays. I know it's intensive, but so is my thoughts with this particular subject. I liked writing it and I still hope someone would change their mind after reading it. I think I succeeded with my point and should probably improve the grammar a bit

  3. a)It does comply with the instructions, it has all five paragraphs.
    b)The subject was interesting and important and if people read more these kind of texts they would probably think about it more.
    c)We found nothing wrong with the text it was well written!
    d)Allma, Anniina, Jenifa
