perjantai 6. marraskuuta 2015

Assignment 10

The game of mind

There was a black bed in my room, black sheets in the bed. Windows were covered with cardboard and old clothes, the door was always locked and I broke the lamp long time ago. Maybe when I was fifteen, or last year. Can’t remember. Don’t want to remember.

“Of course you remember my dear, of course you want to remember. It was two years ago.”

They said I was sick. They said I wasn’t even from this planet. I didn’t listen to them, I didn’t want to. I painted, I painted black pictures with black paint to black paper. It represented me. Darkness, gloominess, blackness, me.

“That’s what you think. Remember when we used to play together? Who has the guts to run longer in the rails?”

They gave me pills I didn’t take. They gave me food I didn’t eat. They asked me to go outside, I didn’t go. I didn’t want to, I couldn’t, no.

“But sweetie, you know I could never hurt you. Sweetie, I love you.”

Once I stepped out of my black room. It was the very last time I did that.

I gave it all up for it.


“Sweetie, let’s go to the woods, let’s swim in the swamp, I’ll let you win!”


2 kommenttia:

  1. This is my second favorite of these texts, I wanted to try something not-so-traditional horror but more like psychological horror. It was interesting to write it and I hope it's not offensive to anyone. I hope I succeeded with distressing ambiance and with this I wasn't sure about if my punctuation is right

  2. a)It didn't have 200 words it was really short and it didn't have many scary words, but it was scary which was the main point.
    b)It was interesting and different which we liked and it was more like a poem than a story but in a good way.
    c)It could've been longer and if it had more creepy words it would've been more scary.
    d)Allma, Anniina, Jenifa
